Yellow Glow Around Black

Am really disappointed About ink thrift CL ink and I talk about my problem here Not satisfied with Inkthrift Claria
Support tells me I must profile after 24 hours and I did without progress
So I make a test
I take ink directly from ink bottles and put it on photo paper after 48 hours I look at it and find yellow glow around black ink sample so its defiantly bad ink and this what makes pictures has yellow hue
even chines very cheap ink didn’t bad like this
and I notice also that the new ink bottle tip not white but it turn yellow
PLZ look at pictures and tell me what to do
Calria clean-water

I PM’d you.


Hi All

I’d be very interested to know what the out come of this was

I have been using the cone color pro inks
and the light black tends after long drying time time to tend towards a mild green tint

is there any way to use the PizoPro inks in the LK and LLK positions
as they have been super stable for me

just thinkin


Iam still waiting from support to find solution but what i did is i replaced inkthrift black ink with epson and until now its way better …am still testing

@mza I pm’d you again.

@garret The LLK is supposed to be a tiny bit green (totally different issue). It’s chromatically matching to a generalized average of Epson LK and LLK color.


I have been using ConeColor Pro with SLE# 4 for LK & SEL #5 for LLK for a number of years now from a suggestion from Jon. Of course you have to create your own profiles. I should also add that this is for pigment inks not dye inks.