White bands on the short side of an 8.5 x11 inch proof print

HI Dana and Jon:

I am using a PC and Windows 7.

I have taken to running proof prints on my 2880. I use such prints to judge tones and edits before making final prints on an 11 1/2 x 17 inch of paper. The native aspect ratio of the Leica M Monochrome file is 8 x 12. So I resize my image to fit on the “proof paper”. I have noticed whitish bands along the short side of the proof prints. Not dark enough so that I cannot judge the tone, but just enough so that I cannot use the file for smaller prints. When the file is printed at 8 x 12 on the 11 1/2 x 17 inch paper there are no bands at all. Also, when I resize the Leica file so as to print with larger margins ( with the result being a much smaller print! ) on the proof paper there are no whitish bands Perhaps the margins are the issue, but why?

What is the reason that one must have larger margins? In QTRgui the minimum margins required are well below 1 inch. If I follow the QTR paradigm I get whitish bands!



Hi Elliot~

When printing with QuadTone RIP and desktop model printers, you will want to leave 1" minimum top and bottom margins for the best print quality. If the image area is within the first or last 1" of paper, micro banding will occur due to paper feed and the QTR dither pattern.

Best regards and happy printing~ Dana :slight_smile:

Hi Dana,

Is your recommendation for the 1" margin to prevent micro-banding only for the R2880 or any / all Epson printers? I too have seen this problem on my R2880 and indeed by increasing the margin to at least 1" it solves the problem. With QT Print now part of my standard workflow and that it can gang multiple images together on a single sheet of paper it is a great proofing tool. Unfortunately the minimum margin requirement limits the number of images and / or size of the images printed (I like to proof on 8.5 x 11 paper). I have emailed Roy Harrington for clarification as well.


No it applies to all desktop printers and is a limitation we notice with the QTR driver when used with as fine a resolution as we produce using as many shades of ink as we do.

It is possible to tape a short lead sheet top and bottom to overcome this limitation, isn’t it? If you’re using gloss papers then you also need such a sheet for the gloss overcoat to avoid paper feed marks, unless you leave a very wide margin. This makes for a more complex workflow which may not be worth the effort just for a proof. It’s also a bit of a pain in bulk.

Yes, absolutely. We have information about this here: http://www.inkjetmall.com/tech/content.php?147-Piezography-Gloss-Printing-Tips

Brian / Dana: Great idea and help! Thank you! Dana: for printing with QT Print / QTR driver, based upon my observations, one would have to add a piece of paper to both the leading and trailing edge to prevent the micro-banding (as it happens on both edges of the print)?

Yes, in this case you would want to add a strip to the leading and tailing ends.