So … Because it is my understanding that main the difference between the 800 series Epson Pro printers (7800/9800/4800) and the 880 series is the addition of Vivid Magenta inks (including light Magenta). I am wondering if there are other major differences which would preclude one from using 800 series (refillable) cartridges with Vivid Magenta and Vivid light Magenta (Cone) ink in an 800 series printer and just switching profiles to the 880 series profiles (Cone HDR profiles included as well).
Anyone have ideas on this?
Thanks for your feedback.
The lookup tables (color modules) in the drivers than run the 3800 and 3880 are different. That means profiles build for a 3880 and VM ink will not work on the 3800 with VM ink.
You’d need a few custom profiles.
Thanks, Walter.
As I was starting to add more Cone K3 & HDR inks to my three Epson printers, I started to wonder if it were a simple profile match or not. Now I know.
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
I recommended the same upgrade to someone with the 3800, and am upgrading someone else to the HD inks in the 3880. Then I’ll be doing custom profiles with an old spectroscan for matte papers and multiple samples from a dtp70 for gloss.
Thanks, Richard.
Walter Blackwell responded earlier to my query saying that the lookup table were different for the various printers and new profiles would need to be made. I’m not sure I’m ready to start profiling 15-20 different papers and more every time I try a new one. But let’s keep the string ongoing in the forum – curious to see what happens.
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
I’m running Cone’s Vivid inks and his new HD blacks through my 9800. I custom profiled with the rather cheap ColorMunki with impressive results.
Running these new sexed-up ink sets seems to be a very common practice around here.
I’d be curious to know if anyone with better profiles from a more accurate profiling system would be willing to share them.
I have a somewhat related question… I obtained a set of epson cartridges to use the OEM chips for a 3880. However the set was not the Vivid color set. So can you give a few more details about the differences? I plan to use these chips for cleaning the 3880 however would these chips work as a backup set for the original Vivid chips? Will the 3880 recognize that these are different and reject the carts?
All chips from the 3800 are compatible with the 3880 EXCEPT for the M and LM chips. You need actual VM and VLM chips and the VM and VLM control chip for those carts to work properly in the 3880.
Thanks for the info, Rick.
Glad to know you are getting good results.
I have a 7800, 9800 and 4900x2 and would certainly consider this- (Though I’ve not had much success making my own profiles in the past).
The 800 series seem to be less prone to ink system problems than the newer 900 series. So maybe if enough printers were to get on board, it might create an incentive for the manufacturer to develop some profiles, say similar to what they’ve done for some of their ink sets.: .
Hence, would this not be an incentive for some of us to source all inks from Ink Jet Mall?
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
email and phone edited out for security and anti-spam -Walker
Yes, I think “Cone K3VividHD 7800/9800” could become “a thing”.
It’s a rock solid printer head with better blacks and wider color gamut.
I’m very impressed with the genius Ink-geeks in the Cone shop. It would be interesting to see one of those cool 3D lut comparisons of this setup vs. a stock 7900/9900. I’m not sure how much difference the orange and green make.
Seriously considering T-shirts and custom “Cone K3VividHD 7800/9800” badge stickers!
I’m willing to build free ICC profiles for the papers that we officially support as long as someone who has this printer (@Rick_Moreau) prints the targets.
Print these with Adobe Color Print Utility and send the prints to me and I’ll upload the ICCs to this thread. Make sure nozzle check is done before and after each set of target prints. (101.5 KB)
These are the papers that we officially support (for both Piezo and ConeColor). Supported Papers | Piezography
The epson Legacy papers are just Canson papers so we support those too.
Now I have to consider a Paradigm change in my printer / ink management. What Walter and Rick have suggested and proposed is, as we used to say… totally far out!
The question I know have, should I wait use up all my oem Epson inks to then fully fill with Cone K3, or just do the Vivid Magentas?
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
That is very generous of you Walker! Thank you very much and count me in!
I’m currently setup with HD Photo Black and have the new HD Matte on its way from your big sale last weekend.
Wow - your profiling targets have a lot of samples! When it comes time to do the actual printing I’ll email or call you to confirm the printer settings.
Use Epson Premium Luster media type for Gloss papers (we suggest 2880 dpi UniDirectional not High Speed) and use Velvet Fine Art for Matte Papers. This is on the x800 roll printers.
See the threads from Walter Blackwell and Rick Moreau where he very generously offered making profiles if some of us can provide the printing.
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Only for the approved papers and only when done at proper media types (as described above) with all nozzles firing and using Adobe Color Print Utility and at 2880dpi. In other words, if you do the printing of the targets right on the 9800 with this ink-set, I’m down for it. I’m not opening the flood-gates.
I certainly understand. I’m probably months away right now anyway. Just finished pouring the 1st part of a gallon of Piezo Clear on the left side cartridges for my alternate 4900 which has been sitting for a year. (The right side cleared up fine – thought I’d test the short side 1st in case the heads were unable to clear.)
I would make sure to check with you before doing any profiling. Perhaps between a few of us, doing as you suggest, we might be able to build a library to share – also to check between printers. Wondering how much deviation there is considering the printers are probably 5-10 years old.
Doug Abdelnour
247 Route 100
Somers, NY 10589