In the Epson maintenance utility, it wants a .UPG file for doing a firmware update. Looks like the self-installing firmware updates from Epson have a .EFU file inside, and if it ever creates a UPG file from that I can’t find it. Renaming it to UPG doesn’t work (I mean, it downloads it to the printer, but doesn’t actually install it.)
The reason I ask is because in trying to find a replacement board for my P7000 main board with the blown fuse (see other topic) I ended up with a seemingly perfectly functioning board… with P6000 FW on it. D’oh! Needless to say, the self-installing FW from Epson won’t shove P7000 FW down to a P6000 board, which is probably a really really important safety feature…but I bet the maintenance utility would blow past such details, if only I had the right file to give it. It’s the same exact board, just different firmware in it.