I have recently got an Epson 9800, everything is working except the importen thing printing is properly clog. Nothing is coming on the paper.
Is there a methode for getting the printer to work again? Init fill - flush - Nozzle check? I have brought some PiezoFlush (stilling waiting for it to be delivered)
And is there some way that i could visual check if printer is working - like the pump/dampers etc.
check the flush/capping/pump station first (clean it). Then do a power cleaning. If you see even a little nozzles printing after this you know that it’s probably fixable. Then you need to replace dampers and also run flush through everything.
A quick question: Is this just at waiting game, to get piezoflush to work inside the printerhead. Or do I need to put some piezoflush underneath the printhead?
I pulled the printhead, because it did not help with socking underneath the printhead. I spooled the printhead (video). But now it does not print again. Do I need to primes the dampers?
First time when i put the printhead/dampers back in, i got and error 10027 (Air leak). I pulled the dampers again and put back again. And the error disappeared.
New dampers are on there way to me. I will change them when i have them in my hands.
If it is the air pump - is there some way i and check the pressure on the pump?
The o-rings are the small rubber rings that go under the lug nuts that screw the ink lines into the ink stems on the dampers. These should be replaced regularly as well especially when replacing the dampers.
No way to check air pump really. Just have to replace it.
Call compass micro. They have the exact part #. Whenever the dampers change the O-rings need to change as well. The o-rings wear out before the dampers do.
I have change the dampers and the o-rings. But now there is no ink coming true (It was printing ok - with some clogging in the printer head before). I have had the printer head out again to check for clogging. This was not the problem - it flows fine with PF push true it.
I have also run severals “ink charge” but the ink is not flowing in the ink tubes.