Studio Print V 12 work with Windows 8.1?


Does anyone know if Studio Print V12 is suppose to be compatible with Windows 8.1? I have had intermittent success using it on Windows 7 and 8.1. Typically I start getting the error messages “RPC server is not available,” and then Studio Print starts crashing .

Recently working on windows 8, I discovered I had two folders named the same that my Studio Print image files are stored in. I deleted one and reloaded the image files. Studio Print was working again for a day and is now generating the same error message and constantly crashing.

I’ve tried reinstalling V12 a couple times with no change.

My next choice is to try a clean reinstall of Windows 8.1 and Studio Print.

Is anyone using Studio Print V12 or another version that is stable and working well? On what Windows OS? Anyone using it with Vmare on a Mac, and if so with what version of Windows?

Thanks, Drew Harty

V12 may indeed not work in 8.1 as it requires an old version of Visual Studio .net framework.

I suggest that you invest in VMWARE and run v12 in Win7 (or even XP!) in a virtual machine. This way you can always update your main operating system and securely run your StudioPrint inside of an older system that never has to upgrade. Also, it’s time to update to win10 if possible due to some massive bugs (Meltdown and Spectre) that have cropped up of late.

The other forum I mod is the studioprint forum here: Google Groups

Others there may be able to confirm.

best regards,

Hello Walker,

Thanks for the quick response. I was running Studio Print V12 under Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 with Vmare on a Microsoft tablet because drivers for my Eye One were no longer available under Windows 8.1. and I had other software I needed to run with Windows 8. I was getting “RPC Server is unavailable” messages under Windows 7, as well. I will try a clean install of Windows 7 and see what happens.

Thanks for the link to the Studio Print forum. I’ve tried other solutions to using Piezography and keep coming back to Studio Print becauseit can do Density Linearizations of print environments.


PPE tools also provides a good way to do density Lins.

And we will be updated this soon to allow for 256 and 512 step density linearization as well is a final custom monochrome ICC profile that allows for perceptual screen to print matching (instead of the normal “linear” workflow). I think when this update hits, you’ll want to switch over eventually. The new toolset will allow studioprint to quadtonerip density matching as well so you won’t have to even tune your old files at all.
