Solved: SOP - keep machine on or off (Epson 9890)

If I have 24 or 48 hours between printing is it better to leave the printer on or off between uses?

When it turns on it will go through a cleaning cycle – running a nozzle check it prints out perfect.
If I leave the machine on and do a nozzle check 24 hrs or 48 hrs later some nozzles are clogged and I then need to clean a pair or two.

Which is better for the head and ink use?
I know you have a couple of machines there – =-)
what do you do?

With our printers that I use every day, I keep them on during the week, then turn them all off on Friday afternoon for the weekend. I agitate ink cartridges/shake printers every week to maintain in-suspension pigment, use the printers at least once a week (though, most are usually used every day), clean the capping station and wiper blades every other week, and the flushing boxes and bottom of the print heads as needed (on average, about once every 1-2 months) to keep our printers all in top condition and maintain consistent high quality output.

Best regards and happy printing~ Dana :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Dana-IJM;226]clean the capping station and wiper blades every other week, and the flushing boxes and bottom of the print heads as needed [/QUOTE]
Is the procedure of how to do this in the Epson manual or have you learned this through experience?

No, it is not in the Epson user manuals. As far as I know, Epson has never offered nor suggested any user maintenance that will prolong the life of the printer.

Pulled two cartridges - agitated the ink – LLK went in happy. the magenta pushes in on spring but will not stay --tried many times - still not and now I have in inside the cartridge. I have to go out so I hope all will be well with it being not inserted until I can figure out what to do next. =-/
Murphy’s Law: Do not try to do anything prior to having to be somewhere at a specific time.

I believe that what you are describing is covered in the FAQs under Large Format Refillable Cartridges - the third question relating to 9900 carts also relates to the 9890 carts - they are the same in every position with the exception of Orange and Green. Please let us know if that solves it for you.