Softproofing profiles for Awagami paper

I’m trying to print Neutral K7 inks on my 3880 on Awagami papers. Do you think I need a softproofing profile? I’m printing on the inkjet coated very thin Murakumo Kozo Select white. When I printed with color on this, I used their basic profile which was the same for all their coated papers. What about Piezography icc profiles? I believe I do already have the QTR ones for Kozo.

I suggest using any of the rag soft-proof profiles that come with the Piezography Community Edition here: Piezography Community Edition | Piezography

I don’t think we have an uncoated soft-proof profile yet, however the current matte neutral sp profiles there should work well enough.

The instructions for how to use soft-proof profiles are in the included piezography manual that comes with the free community edition download.
