Soft Proofing - setting customized proof conditions

Hallo, in the seemingly never ending pursuit of making soft proofing simpler and more accurate, a question regarding the set-up suggested in the Manual. Why is it that you need to preserve RGB numbers? When you use that option, what happens to colors in images that are outside the printer’s color gamut? My understanding is that if a rendering intent is not used to shift out of gamut colors into gamut, then nothing can be printed for those colors. If Preserve RGB colors is left unchecked, then rendering intent can be selected. Conversely, not, then the above problem arises. Please advise, thanks!

You would not check Preserve RGB numbers for soft proofing RGB color printer profiles.

Soft proofing Piezography ICC profiles with monochromatic images use different rules than soft proofing RGB printer profiles and we found that preserving RGB numbers critical in order to preview at the correct contrast of the print. This especially shifted towards this need with an OS X release the likes of I no longer remember. But, in subsequent releases I noticed that preserve RGB numbers were not as accurate to contrast. Back in the day Apple was busy experimenting with CM and each release was an adventure in profiling. At some point we suggested users try it with or without. I keep it checked at this point as I believe I get the best representation of print dMax this way.

