Soft proof ICC for Special Edition K6 with the UHD matte black for Hahn Photo Rag matte paper

Is there an ICC for soft proofing Special Edition K6 with the UHD matte black for Hahn Photo Rag matte paper?

I replied to this on your other thread by mistake. :upside_down_face:

Not sure if this is the ICC you are asking for but I found it in Piezography > ICCs > SoftProofing …
Piezography Matte SpecialEdition (4.4 KB)

Thanks. This looks close to my prints. I thought there might be a specific ICC soft proofing Special Edition K6/UHD matte black with Hahn photo rag paper.
Happy New Year!

I think this was part of the recent update (3.03) to the Community Edition so if it was not already in your ICC folder you might be using an older version.
