Reviving an Epson Stylus Pro 9800 in storage for 12 years

I’m trying to revive my Epson Stylus Pro 9800 after being mothballed without properly purging the ink lines. What are the chances of getting it back to operational? Originally had only about 200 hours of use before going into storage. Upon initially pulling it out, I was able to get black to print and some blue but yellow and magenta were plugged. I bought 8 cleaning cartridges with no success in recovery. First, has anyone had success reviving a printer in this state and secondly, what did it take? For instance, what process and parts/tools were needed? Is it worth it? Since the machine only has 200 hours, it’s nearly brand new, on the scale of full print house use and seems worth the effort of trying. Thanks!

Very little chance…without pulling the head and trying to push PiezoFlush through the ink lines until they are clear. Replace all of the ink dampers connected to the print head. Then with a silicone tubing attached to a syringe (so you do not blow out the sidewalls) gently inject and pull PiezoFlush directly through the print head until you can see it spray from all the jets. Then turn your attention to the capping station and flush box.

Bolt it back together again. Run three power cleans to move the PiezoFlush from the carts through the empty ink lines and back into the head and see if you can get a nozzle check. So very slim - but possible… one never knows and you already invested in the flush system… now just need to do the disassembly and see if you can clear everything the old ink touched. If you can eventually print full nozzle check with the PiezoFlush - you’ll need to source 9800 carts… We’ve run out of them…





Thank you Jon! So while it’s possible, I could invest all of that time and money and still not have a viable, working printer, correct? And how much longer will I be able to get cartridges? If it were you, would you put the time and money into it?
I really appreciate your reply, thanks!

We ran out of carts and not enough demand to mold more…

But you made the investment already in that you said you bought a set of carts and PiezoFlush. The rest is just time on your part and cleaning… so it seems like nothing to lose at this point… They do not have sensitive heads like the new printers and are very bullet proof. Lots of our customers have brought back old printers. So there is a chance if you’re willing to put the time in. Start with the ink lines - because if you can not clear them - no reason to continue… Then source some new dampers which are inexpensive… Now you are clear from the carts to the print head. Then clean the print head… I wouldn’t run it with the ink lines and dampers in their present condition… this is why move from the back forward…

