On Wednesday, I installed the K6 Digital Negative system on a brand new R3000 printer using WN inks. I followed the instructions that accompanied the ink/cartridges and page 32 of the Piezography Manual (updated 6/14). I shook the ink bottles before filling the cartridges. I printed a nozzle check and a QTR calibration. All looked good.
On Saturday, I decided to print 21 step wedges on Cone Type 2, Canson Rag Photo and Hahnemuhle Photo Rag. I used the appropriate P2-X800-X880-SEL-CANragPto.quad profile for each paper. At first I just wanted to see the ink color on each of these papers, but then decided to drag out the densitometer and check linearization. On Sunday, I plotted the densities using the density tab on the linearization Excel spreadsheet. For each paper the black line drifts above the pink line. The black line never drifts below the pink line. I then printed another manual nozzle check and it looks good. I tried to upload pdf files of the linearization graphs/data, but received error messages on the attachment tool. I’d be happy to e-mail you the files.
I’m guessing I may have:
used the wrong 21 step wedge - I used the one included in the custom profiling kit - 21steps-Eye1.tif
used the wrong profile to print the step wedge. If this is true, which profile should I use to print on matte paper (Cone 2) on a R3000 using the P2DN Method 3 ink setup?
both 1 and 2
Any insight is greatly appreciated,
So, your printer was charged for the first time with Piezography inks, and wasn’t used with other inks?
Sometimes a pre-made Piezography curve will work on similar papers, but other times custom curves for a specific printer/ink/printer/computer setup are necessary for optimal results.
It’s best to evaluate the printout of the same paper/curve combination, such as Canson Rag Photographique paper with the P2-x800-x880-SEL-CANragPto to check linearization. Please upload your linearization for me to evaluate.
You can use either the 21step-eye1 image in the custom profiling kit download, or the step-21-gray image in the QuadToneRIP Eye One folder.
The PZDN curves are designed for use with Pictorico Ultra-Premium OHP film only.
Please let me know so I can help you get past this and onto happily printing~ Dana
Hi Dana,
That’s correct, this printer has never had any ink installed other than the Piezography K6 P2DN Warm Neutral inks. Here is the linearization file for the Cone Type 2 paper printed with the P2-X800-X880-SEL-JonConeType2.quad.
Hi Dana,
You are correct. The printer was charged for the first time with Piezography inks. This printer has never seen any other ink.
Attached is the linearization of Cone Type 2 made using P2-X800-X880-SEL-JonConeType2.quad
OK, so I’ve self diagnosed part of the problem. On both page 32 of the Manual and here: http://www.inkjetmall.com/tech/content.php?163-Piezography-Matte-and-PZDN-Meth-3
you are referred to a page that contains the digital negative profiles, BUT only lists P2 profiles for Sel inks. Over the weekend, I discovered: http://www.inkjetmall.com/tech/content.php?165-Piezography-2-Matte-and-Gloss-for-K3-printer-models Which has a zip file of many additional P2 profiles. They contained WN profiles for the above papers. After checking linearization using WN profiles to go with WN inks (the ones listed above had SEL profiles) I discovered the linearizations are much improved. Still not totally linear as each paper shows the line slightly above the pink line in the 75-95 density range.
My suggestion is to update both the manual (page 32 on the 6/14 version) and Method 3 webpage so they include all of the P2 paper profiles as opposed to just the SEL paper profiles. I used the SEL profiles because I thought they were the only available P2 paper profiles.
I’ve only been on this forum for a bit over a month, but I do believe we need to nominate Dana for sainthood!
The PZDN-Meth3 and P2 matte system you’re using is only packaged with Selenium inks, because that’s what the PZDN curves were designed with. I see you purchased all the items individually, and are mixing shades 2.5 and 4.5 by yourself. In your case using Warm-Neutral inks, I suspect the P2-WN curves would give you better results for regular matte printing. If the linearizations look decent, then go ahead and use the pre-made P2 curves, but if you want to print on other papers, or aren’t totally satisfied with your results using our pre-made curves, we can make custom curves to optimize output for your specific setup.