I have been using your system awhile now with no problems. Recently I got a low ink warning for VLM and went about refilling the cart. After reinstalling it the printer now indicates it cannot recognize the VLM and MK carts. I have tried everything indicated in the user manual and what I’ve read here to no avail. Also, the PK cart now leaks ink from the discharge port even with the fill plug in place. Pleas advise. Thanks
I just got dinged on this. So sorry for letting this slip by!!!
The VLM cartridge should not be giving you a non-recognized warning nor the MK. Did you check them for ink residue on the chips or contact sensors of the printer?
We’re sending you out the PK cart and a VLM/MK replacement chips asap.
Please check the instructions here for the chip and how they reset.
FYI. We did a stock check on the old style cart and we are now out.
We have re-designed these R3000 cartridges with much tougher plastic, a better outlet hole, and many other small tweaks and design changes based on user feedback. They are now in 60mL configuration mainly because so many people were accidentally letting them run dry when a chip reset.
I highly suggest getting a full set of these carts when you can (besides the PK one we are sending) when you can. Most refill carts last 2+ years of use but these new ones will last much longer.