
With the R2880 becoming fewer and farther between as a refurbished printer, a logical alternative is the R2000 as a piezography printer. Is there any chance for more support for this printer besides just paper?

I would like to be able order carts and ink from IJM for the R2000. And I see there is a refurbished R2000. alas… what to do…


[QUOTE=LarryB;10529]With the R2880 becoming fewer and farther between as a refurbished printer, a logical alternative is the R2000 as a piezography printer. Is there any chance for more support for this printer besides just paper?

I would like to be able order carts and ink from IJM for the R2000. And I see there is a refurbished R2000. alas… what to do…



I am happily using P2 on an R2000 courtesy of Brian’s remapping and my own relinearisation. After my dramas with the 3880, the 2000 is a dream. Brian and I both bought a load of carts and there were a few left at the time. Even if they don’t have them, here’s a local supplier: https://continuousinksupplysystem.com.au/en/10042527-refillable-ink-cartridge-for-epson-r2000.html?search_query=r2000+cart&results=2 I bought Easyfills from them for my 1430 and they work well.

As for support, I can supply you with profiles for a stack of papers. I have profiles for 11 papers from Kozo to IGFS to HPR. What else do you need?

OK, I just ordered an R2000.

IJM, did you hear that? R2000 piezo just increased by one more…


Good move, Larry. Now you can read all the posts on ink dramas with larger printers with lines and know that it’s a bullet that you don’t have to dodge.

You need to check with IJM about whether they still have the carts. They’re still listed on the website


so I assume so, but supplies were being run down. I’d suggest buying what you need into the medium term. Jeff and I can help you out re the curves, but the basic info is here:


Funny how you have to go through Ink>Piezoflush>Epson Stylus Photo to get to the carts instead of going the logical route of Accessories>Refillable Cartridges…

I guess Walker has more work to do to organize the website! :wink:

Anyway, I’ll probably use up the colour inks that come with the printer first, then switch to piezoflush carts, then to piezography carts and have some fun!


My advice, FWIW, is to go straight to the Piezo carts. That’s what I’ve always done successfully with new printers. I know that using the colour carts first proves that the printer is working, and so that’s the official IJM recommendation, but colour staining can be hard to get out of the lighter shades. If you really have problems getting it working, you can always put in the OEM carts later to prove or disprove that it’s the printer. I can’t see the point of doing it unnecessarily up front. Just be sure to follow the initial cart fill instructions to the letter, and put in fresh batteries. Up to you.

We’ll be getting ALL of our supported printers updated with curves in the QTR default install soon. We will also be adding a download section with an even MORE expanded set of curves including all available P2 and K7gloss curves to shop.inkjetmall.com

R2000 does have a set of curves but it’s not documented in a good way . .

http://www.piezography.com/PiezoPress/blog/piezography-k7-inks-and-curves/new-glossy-curves-library/ (for gloss for now)

You can copy the R1900-K7 curves to the R2000-UC folder and install from there in the interim for Matte.

I know it’s super difficult to find our curve libraries because they are spread out everywhere and not documented in only one place (I had this difficulty before I started working at IJM believe me). I will be adding this stuff to shop.inkjetmall.com/downloads/curves (or some related URL) the second I have time.


Thanks Walker! I love IJM ink and support, but historically they’ve been as good about organizing their website as I am keeping my desk!


“ALL” implies P2 as well as K7. If so, It will be interesting to see if IJM decides to regard the R1900/R2000 as supported printers for P2 (via remapped x880 curves), as the number of users of that combination grows. That would be implied by “loud and clear”.

Looks like it’s there Brian, at least for gloss:

Quote from the linked page:

Attached Files Attached Files
• 4900, 7900 + 9900- GLOSS.zip
• 4000, 7600 + 9600- GLOSS.zip
• K3 printers- GLOSS.zip
• R800, R1800 + R1900, R2000- GLOSS.zip

I think you’ll find that those are K7 curves, not P2. The ones for the K3 printers in that download would also work on the R2000, once you remapped them, but they’re also K7.

The current download for P2 curves doesn’t include the R2000 last I looked, so you have to remap them to the R2000, as Jeff and I have done. It would be possible to include remapped curves in the download, rather than going to the unnecessary trouble of firing up the IJM R2000, printing the currently supported twelve papers on the five inksets = sixty printed charts, half with a GO coat.

Again, here’s what causes frustration, especially for newbies to piezography. (Easily seen in another thread earlier regarding cleaning and maintenance)…

When I downloaded the said curves for the R2000-Gloss, there is NO mention whether they are K6 or K7 curves. Even little things like this will be helpful.


K7 is the default, so it is implicit. Anything that doesn’t say what it is, is K7. K7 is “normal”. I think I’m right in saying that it came first and hence there wasn’t a need to label it. Everything else is usually labeled, e.g. P2, or is obvious, e.g. six channel printers like the R1430 have to use K6. P2 was initially intended for printers that don’t have carts on the head nor switchable blacks, as it’s a way to have both matte and gloss shade 1 readily available, although you can use it in any eight channel printer, for the same reasons.

That’s what I’m figuring out. However, it causes confusion for blokes like me who are new to this. Of course, now that I know, it’s no longer an issue. Imagine the mess I might have had if I had tried a K7 curve with K6 inks? Hopefully they’ll rename them for the next person. I am also curious to see if I could do my own remapping like you had. It doesn’t look hard to copy and paste a set of numbers from one ink position to another. I’d just have to find out what positions each shade was installed into, then copy and past the correct range of values into the appropriate spots.


Use the spreadsheet Luke, use the spreadsheet.

(The post below provides some general instructions on how to use the spreadsheet, but don’t use the one attached to the post below for mapping P2 x880 to P2 R2000, use the one attached to the post above.
http://www.inkjetmall.com/tech/showthread.php?1461-Dark-prints-and-posterization&p=8868&viewfull=1#post8868 )

Thanks Brian,

If I choose Selenium, I’ll be doing this!


I am a FIRM believer in K6 myself having used it concurrently with K7 for years (and dual K4 before that at Black Point Editions). When I built my own profiler before coming to IJM it was all K6. So yeah, I know exactly what that need is. Seriously though, I’m working on a bunch of stuff to get out the door. 1430 CISS, P600 CISS (just launched), P600 Color ICCs and the P600 K7 for starters. We just had some seriously good results with a new platinum negative process we are about to launch (it will be K6 FYI) so that is also taking up some hours.

I’m concurrently getting a handle on our total curve libraries and making an audit of those + current state of color ICC profiles. Then I half to compile a list of our thousands of different URLs and 301 redirect them to the correct final locations so all the forum links to the old locations will go to the new locations.

We have Piezography.com, InkjetMall Blog, and shop.inkjetmall.com all of which have download and support documents that I need to finalize in one location . . . .

It’s kinda nuts but it will happen. We’ll send out updates soon on roadmap/progress.


Thanks Walker,
Good to know it’s on your bucket list. (I know you’ve got a lot to do!)

By the way, perhaps it’s just that I’m still in the dark ages of computers (Windows 7 Pro, Intel Core i3, basic sloooooos internet), but when I go to the shop.inkjetmall.com and follow the following trails: Shop by Ink>Piezography>Piezography Carbon, the first few times the menus completely dissappear. Then, for some inexplicable reason, they work. I believe this is probably working fine at your end, but some customers may be experiencing this, and it would be frustrating. I thought I’d let you know in case you weren’t already aware.


It’s a slow-javascript thing on older computers. I noticed this when I was dealing with an overloaded iMac yesterday.

It has to do with a rather complicated front-end/back-end arrangement we have going on and . . . . it’s also on my (and probably Jon’s) list to work. Goal is to at least not show anything (or show a loading sign) until the products populate.
