R2000 nozzle check for piezo

I just installed my Selenium K7 inks and tried a nozzle check. I probably shook the bottles a little too much and introduced air into the ink. I did 2 cleans then a nozzle check. I had missing nozzles in shades 2, 3, 4, and 1. I did another head clean which improved things and I was missing nozzles in shades 4 and 1 only. I decided to leave the printer for a few hours (about 5 hours). Then I performed an ink charge cycle using the WIC reset tool, did as head clean, and I’m still missing nozzles in shades 4 and 1, but also 6 and 7. I have piezoflush in the GO position.

When I put my R2000 to bed a month ago, I had a perfect nozzle check with both OEM inks, and also with piezoflush carts installed. Carts are from inkOwl.


I just replaced the carts with piezoflush carts again. I’ve got perfect nozzle checks on all but the Selenium 4 (orange) position. I have NOTHING coming out in that position! No piezoflush at all in the nozzle check. Help!


I can’t say anything of other carts. We make ours out of a different plastic. They are using very similar molds as others but they use a plastic that can handle our ink + special screens.

Generally though, the R2000s and other small formats will take a few cleanings + waits to settle down with new carts/fills.


Switch chips on two carts and see if it’s the cart or something else. Air vent plugs all out?


Thanks Walker,

At the moment I’m concerned about the orange position with piezoflush carts. After I get that going again, I’ll try the Sel again.

I just removed the orange piezoflush cart, used a priming tip and pulled about 5-10 mL through the cart, refilled the cart, and replaced it back to the printer. The R2000 does an automatic head clean, then I did another nozzle check. The patter is back to normal. Perhaps these carts need priming each time. This will be frustrating. Also, my GO position emptied before I got a low ink.

I have other products from inkOwl, but I’m not sure I can recommend these carts for piezography at the moment. They may be fine for other applications, but I’m surprised I had trouble with piezoflush too.

Yes, I did remove the air vent plugs.

I’m going to try the SEL again, but prime each position before inserting them.


We put thousands and thousand of dollars in time and effort QCing cartridges. When people don’t use our cartridges they will have problems.


This is why I got inkOwl carts:


Looks like a web link bug. I’ll fix when I’m back at work.

current working link:http://shop.inkjetmall.com/Shop-By-Ink/PiezoFlush-Kits-R2000/
