Problem saving curves (profile) with Epson 7900

I have upgraded to a 7900 with QTR/Windows 7 64 bit, when I try to create a curve I get a series of error messages. I downloaded the IJM Install procedures but am unable to figure out how to run the install 7900K7 script. when I drag the file into the QuadTone folder nothing happens. When I dbl click I am asked to choose a program but browsing to the QTR files doesn’t give me anything to make it work with.
thanks for your help. My set up works with the old 7600 and 3880 just not the 7900?

The install command is only for mac. Different procedure for Windows. Take a look at the quickstart video for windows:Learn Piezography & Technical Support | Piezography


Walker, Thanks for the response. The problem seems to be that the 7900 is a 10 ink printer and the “Curve Creation Tools” in windows no longer seem to work for a 10 ink printer. Can I create a new printer on my system that recognizes the 7900 as something else with only 8 inks? I have been making my own profiles for photogravure and carbon printing for a long time and often modify things as methods evolve. Being locked out is a real problem for me. This was a free (to me) printer but I may be better off finding a 7880. I will look to see if I can make a go around using notepad but that is so cumbersome. Thanks for the help.
Jon Goodman

hmm. I think your best bet here is to migrate to a used iMac (macOS) system for printing. You can get these machines for sub$300. This will allow you to use the full set of tools including Piezography Professional Edition for linearizing and 10 channel .quad

That said, I would ask about 10 channel windows QIDF support on the QTR group Yahoo! Groups

I bet there is a solution.

Walker, Thanks for the
reply. A used Mac is an option. In the Piezography Community edition
file “4900-7900-9900-K7” file there is an “Install7900-K7”
file is that for the Mac Ios install?

That file has “quad”
files in it. I can modify “quidf” files through notepad but quads
look like machine code.

Thanks again for your


Hi Walker,

I got a little
direction from Roy
and worked out a method for creating curves for Windows QTR and the Epson 7900.
I have attached a PDF for your reference/use feel free to share it or clarify
it. I can provide a word doc if you need to edit.

Thanks for your help


(Attachment Creating and saving a curve for the Epson 7900.pdf is missing)

v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} st1:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }

Hi Walker,

I got a little direction from Roy and worked out a method for creating curves for Windows QTR and the Epson 7900. I have attached a PDF for your reference/use feel free to share it or clarify it. I can provide a word doc if you need to edit.

Thanks for your help

JonCreating and saving a curve for the Epson 7900.txt (1.2 KB)