Hi Walker, do you have the basic blends for the soft proof profiles available? Thanks!
Thanks look forward to receiving them.
The Piezography Pro soft proof profiles were made with the following blends:
- Cool Neutral= Cool 100%
- Warm= Warm 100%
- Neutral= Neutral 100% (about 82C/18W on gloss papers and 75C/25W on matte)
- Warm Neutral= Neutral 75/ Warm 25
- Semi-Warm= Neutral 50/ Warm 50
- Warm Shadows/ Cool Highlights= H: 100C, M: 100N, S: 100W (same with gloss + matte)
- Cool Shadows/ Warm Highlights (Matte)= H: 100W, M: 100N, S: 100C
- Cool Shadows/ Warm Highlights (Gloss)= H: 80W/20C, M: 100N, S: 100C
Best regards and happy printing~ Dana
Thanks! My printing with the Piezo Pro inks is very happy!
Hi Dana,
Please remind me where I can locate the above mentioned soft proof profiles?
thank you!
The most recent community edition installs them.