Print Tool Issue

I recently upgraded to MacOs High Sierra (10.13.6). I am running Print Tool v.2.1.1.

When I load an image into Print Tool it is completely black. I have reinstalled v.2.1.1, rebooted my machine, repaired disk permissions, all to no avail.

Any ideas out there?


Not sure. But I suggest asking this question on the quadtonerip forum as Roy can support the software there.


Could be you have some alpha channel masks.

~ Keith

It appears to have been alpha channel masks causing the problem. Thanks to Keith (and an annoymous poster on the QTR forum) for reminding me of this. Specifically I think there may be a bug between a PS luminosity mask plug-in, PS CC, and High Sierra.

Dark appearance in Print Tool is always my reminder I forgot to clear Alpha Channels. Glad that was it. Hate to think there is another way to cause that problem.

The funny thing is it hadn’t shown up as a problem in many years. And only surfaced when I upgraded to High Sierra (skipping Sierra as I was running El Capitan). Anyway, I posted the so,union as, perhaps, a helpful reminders for others.

I wouldn’t call @Jeffg53 “anonymous”!

It makes you wonder why you answer when a questioner can’t even be bothered to check that you have a name.

Good reason to sign your posts :wink:

~ Keith

I’d have thought that “jeffgrantau” was clear enough as the From name, signed or unsigned.

It also appears to be a reason not to update the QTR forum.

Did it ever occur to you guys that not every email app or browser displays everything the same way yours does? And that’s just on computers, then there are tablets and phones.

~ Keith

I’m sorry if I offended you. Poor choice, I guess, on my part for using the word “anonymous”. I would have given attribution but the authors name on the QTR forum did not show up on my iPad.

Thanks Michael. I appreciate the explanation, no offence taken.