Priming the ink cartridge

I feel like I’ve followed directions carefully, but the cartridge won’t prime. There is resistance and no ink comes out.

202 302-7998

are you using the priming tip?

I just looked back at the video. I am using the priming syringe, but it looks like there might be a plastic extension that I’m missing. The syringe I’ve got worked fine on the first cartridge I filled, though. I’m wondering if the fact that there is only about half as much ink as there should be in the cartridge (I had to recover the ink from another cartridge and didn’t get it all)… might be the problem. I’ve ordered more ink.

Thank you for your reply!


Check your packaging. There are 8 priming tips in a small bag.

This could have been the reason why the other cart failed if you did not prime with the tip. Putting a blunt part of a syringe into the outlet can damage it.



I don’t seem to have those now. Is there any chance I can order just those priming times?
