Piezography K6 Warm Neutral Carbon

Is it going to be possible for you guys to discontinue all the varied hue k7 original inksets and replace them with one pure carbon clean warm neutral K6 set ? I would really prefer that to any of the others, which are scheduled for phase out anyway. I know you had a beta version of this and thought they were close to being available about 4 years ago. I think they would be successful. Then you only have to keep up with the Pro and the K6 Carbon WN.


Dear John, this is possible. And it’s a damn good ink-set.

It all has to make sense business and labor wise so we are working on the #s. We can support K7 in 220mL for several years . . .



Thanks, yea. It seems to me most, if not all of us using the current K7 Carbon and K7 warm neutral ( and probably neutral too ) would transition to this immediately. I know I would.
Mis had a k6 ink set like this a long time ago and the color was perfect. But I never trusted them or their clogging issues at the time. Ever since then I’ve always wanted a set that looked like that which was pretty much all carbon.


It’s the base for our Pro ink so it is zero clogs.
