Piezography Community Editions (for Mac) v3.2.1 Released

It’s long overdue:


v3.2.1 1/12/2022 Added uncoated Pro paper curves. Added P700 and P900 and P5000 support (available in EU and South East Asia Epson printers). All curves are backed up per install now. Install fixed curve permissions. Added i1Pro v3 support (NOT PLUS version!). i1Profiler Piezography workflows are installed automatically inside of the i1Profiler workflow dropdown tab now. Updated ICCs with new Linear Softproof ICCs and new Print output ICCs. Minor bug fixes (i1Pro v2 21x16 workflow is fixed, etc). PiezoDN images folder is now the same as Piezography images folder.

Please let me know if you hit a bug.

cheers all

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