Lost a channel while PiezoFlushing

Just finishing up flushing my 3880 when I stopped getting any ink flow from the VLM channel. I had clean nozzle checks on the color cartridges before I began flushing with full cartridges of PiezoFlush. Three power cleans, 24 hour sit time, then another 3 power cleans and a second rest period. Clean nozzle checks on all channels with the PiezoFlush cartridges still installed. I then changed over to Piezography Pro inks and used the QTR flush images one by one to clear the various channels. All except VLM have cleared. When running the VLM channel the PiezoFlush cleaned out but no Warm Medium ink is running. A nozzle check shows everything is fine except this channel, which is empty on the nozzle check. A copy of the last QTR flush run is attached showing where everything stopped flowing towards the bottom of the page.

I checked the cartridge and it looks ok, including the diaphragm on the back where the ink flows into the printer. The 3880 recognizes all the ink cartridges. I did have a self-inflicted problem with the previous cartridge I used for this channel where I somehow damaged the exit diaphragm while priming. I noticed it was leaking when I installed it, but there is no visible damage.

What should I look for at this point? I assume the damper is ok since the PiezoFlush went through with no problem.

Are you using the same cartridge with PZPRO ink that you used to print this PiezoFlush printed channel - or is this a new or different cartridge?

Hi Jon - I’m using separate cartridges with a full set for flush and a full set for ink (which are the ones that came with the PZPRO starter set.)

can be hard to troubleshoot something like this not knowing why you were flushing… if a wicked old printer you may have flushed old pigment into and fouled the damper…

if you do not see any air in the VLM tubing line then it is not an issue surrounding loss of prime and air would suggest that.

If you do not hear the pump turning off it could be a pressurization leak in the VLM - and you could insert the other VLM cart to see if the problem goes away and if so it would point to the cart. But if the problem does not go away it may point to a fouled damper not allowing anything to progress.

Unfortunately you damaged your previous cartridge but you could rechip any of the other carts with the OEM and chip controller from the VLM placed on one of the others to turn it into a VLM. If the problem persists - I would not discount that whatever you did to damage the VLM cart may have damaged the ink stem in the printer…

Let us know what you discover - I’m only giving you potentials…



Thanks Jon! This gives me a plan.

Expecting this to be a drawn out affair I decided to flush all channels with PiezoFlushto remove the Piezo Pro. I then ran a nozzle check. The VLM channel was still missing as expected but the magenta channel now showed some problems. So I ran a power clean. That fixed everything, including the missing VLM channel. So apparently I had a channel filled with PiezoFlush but with some sort of clog. I will check again in 24 hours to see if it is still good to go.