We’re wandering down the road of alternative processes and digital negatives. I’ve just (yesterday) taken delivery of a refurb 7880, to make some negs for a cyanotype course this weekend.
Currently testing using PermaJet Digital transfer film, using ultra chrome inks, while waiting for a few boxes of Pictorico Ultra Premium OHP Transparency Film, and a Cone Digital negative inkset to clear customs.
The 7880 refuses cut sheets (A4 - 210x297mm) of clear(ish) film, unless I disable the auto paper size/skew settings. Then It loads beautifully, But about 2" further down the film, than it should. I’ve tried loading the film with a sheet of copier paper behind (as I’ve done in the Canon 8400), but given the curl of the film, the vacuum doesn’t hold it flat (holds the copier paper), and leads to head strikes. Am I missing an obvious trick, or am I destined to tape each sheet of film to a carrier, prior to hitting print?
The 7880 is way easier to load sheets than the 8400, and I suspect has a subtly finer dither (and should be noticably better once we get the cone inks and QTR running), but if I can’t load the media, I’ll go plan B in the short term.
Any timely suggestions on how to load the film would be greatly appreciated.