Kozo papers

I’m wondering if you can offer any tips for getting started with printing on Thai Kozo paper with Carbon inks in my Epson 1400 (using the QTR)? I’m using a 35 gsm paper which seems to have potential but so far I’m not getting good Dmax. Prints are just rather gray & flat looking.

I may consider getting a custom profile made, but first I want to make sure the paper will work for my needs. Any suggestions on basic QTR adjustments I can make for better Dmax? Or does the paper require a coating of some sort?


This really depends upon your needs. We print on a lot of uncoated Japanese papers at Cone Editions. But, they can not compare to the inkjet coated Japanese papers. And the Japanese coated papers can not compare to the uncoated.

The uncoated have depth and soul - the image being of the paper rather than on top of it. The black is convincing.

The coated sheets have great detail and crispness and the dMax is better.

So it depends upon your expectations. If coated sounds more like what you want - then go with an inkjet coated paper. The custom curve will smooth things out and produce less dot gain - but may not get dMax to where you want.



Thanks Jon. Since I first posted this, I managed to get a bit more contrast (and black) when testing a different image. The uncoated is definitely the feel I want. I think it will be a good method for printing scans of my tintypes.
