Thanks Walker, that sounds like a good starting point. Is Selenium shade 5 cool as well?
If we were to only do matte printing could I use the extra slots to put Selenium ink in and mix it with the neutral ink in ErgoSoft? Kind of like a split tone I guess. Or is it better to physically mix them before they go into the printer?
If you have the extra channels, you can do a split in Ergo! That would be the best way probably. This is what I used to do with Ergosoft (dual Quad with two different ink sets) and is partially what initiated the Pro ink-set idea back in the day.
I think I will most likely try doing a split in Ergo, that way I can tinker to get the right balance. Do you have any tips on the best way to set it up? I’d prefer not to have to use spot channels in Photoshop, but if I have to then so be it.
Also can I please confirm that shade 5 selenium is cool?