I’m just setting up a K7 ink set the first time. This printer has been in perfect running condition for 10 years. Just prior to installing the cartridges I had a massive ink leakage for some unknown reason and was attempting to clean the printer and verify its condition before converting it. The only possible relationship to the K7 ink set that I can think of was that I installed the cartridges a couple of weeks ago, , discovered that I had a defective PK reset chip and had to order another after which I removed the K7 set and replaced the original Epson cartridges. The printer was flagging a 90% full maintenance cartridge but perhaps the insertion and removal of the reset chips duped it into thinking it was less full then it thought.
Anyway that’s not why I’m calling. I received the reset chip yesterday and was trying to clean the printer and verify its condition before installing the Cone ink set. I watched the tutorials and thought I was careful, (I’m not much of a tinkerer and was hoping beyond all odds that that wouldn’t be too much of a problem converting this printer to K7 but… that was probably naive of me). There was so much ink that 24 hours after it sent out a print with a large puddle of ink all the way up the edge closest to the tank, there were still gobs of wet ink on and around the wiper and capping station.
It looked as though I had succeeded, the Q tips were coming back relatively clean and I could clearly see the pattern on the capping station. I installed the ink and ran the first power clean, and halfway through, heard crunching noises, then got the 1127 service error.
The capping station is now loose, popped up like a jack in the box. I’ve been attempting to re-position it, thinking that it has just come off its catches, but I haven’t been able to secure it back in place.
If a capping station is loose does this automatically mean something is broken? If not, can anybody help me get this back in place? And if it is broken does anyone know if official or unofficial Epson service centers might be able to fix this for less than the price of a another printer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
thank you