Inky Pizza wheels epson 4900

for the first time I have inky pizza wheel tracks in the middle of some of my prints from my latest print session with my 1.5 year old epson 4900 feeding it with the rear manual paper feeder and using fine art Canson/Jon Con Papers.

What is the cause of these inky pizza wheel marks?

Does bending the corners back of the fine art paper help?

Does the age of the printer, or the fact that it is the problematic 4900 series printer have anything to do with these marks?

thank you!

Is it pizza wheel tiny pin marks, or paper feeder rubber rollers? If any parts in the printer get ink on them, they can certainly transfer it to paper as it passes thru. Humidity can effect how the paper works, and excessive humidity can cause paper to bow and/or wave. You always want paper edges and corners to be as plat as possible to avoid the print head from rubbing, or other jamming issues.
Have you cleaned parts inside the printer? Have you raised the platen gap?

While I know quite a bit about different Epson printer models, I’m not a certified tech, and don’t officially support printer issues, so Epson may be better suited to help with this issue.

Best regards~ Dana