Initial Fill PiezoFlush 9900


I am about to do an Initial Fill on a 9900, using PiezoFlush in carts, as part of converting the machine to Piezo Pro inks.

Logic tells me that the Initial Fill will fill both PK and MK lines simultaneously. Is that correct? I think I remember that is what happens,

And in the past I have noticed that the printer automatically does the Initial Fill in PK mode, from Serviceman Mode, apparently regardless of which mode the printer was in when shut-down. Do I need to do a PK to MK change, to get PiezoFlush into the K switch damper, after doing an Initial Fill ?

I’m sure I have read about this somewhere in IJM/Piezo instructions but can’t find it now?


The 9900 has only one black ink channel and the MK and PK are switched in the ink selector unit. So an INIT FILL only gets one side of the ink selector unit corresponding to the black ink mode your printer is in when you initiate it. After your initial fill you could run a series of black ink mode changes until you have pink in the channel in both MK and PK modes.

Kindest regards,
