Inconsistent density on 3880

I use a x-rite 361T to check the UV density of my stepcharts printed on Pictorico with my piezo ink set. Best investment I’ve made but I’m worried I’m getting into paralysis by analysis. Take for example a 60% K patch. On the right side of the Pictorico that patch gets a UV reading of 1.08. On the left side it gets .97. Basically that is true for all the patches. The left side will have less density of the same patch if placed on the right side nearest the print assembly where it rests.

I’m using a 3880.


Let me add my self built QT profile and correction curve has its ink limit at 55 but the gray overlap is set high so my final ink total in the quad file is 105. I noticed looking at the Meth3 and 1 quad files their ink total is much higher but I can’t see that being the issue as to where the patch is on the Pictorico.

There is a long thread on this in the private PiezoDN forum at for those who are PiezoDN customers.

The short of it is, the 3880 has inconsistent ink output at the edge of the print (both color OEM and Piezography fyi) on left and right. I suggest printing targets rotated 180 degrees and printing them on a larger (11x17) film right in the middle.

PiezoDN tools smooth out this error (left/right difference on the 3880) when calibrating a .quad and it’s also only measurable and not really see-able in a print.


Does this problem exist in the 7800? I’m in the process of converting it over to piezo SE.

This problem only exists on the 3880 and P800 as far as I can tell.

It does not exist on the wider format printers (confirmed).


Thank you Walker. Reprinting on an 11x17 with my step charts centered. I may someday switch to the piezoDN system but I enjoy teaching myself and solving problems. Sort of like building furniture from scratch rather than ready to assemble.

Printing the step charts in the center of an 11x17 did the trick. Thanks Walker.