I killed the auto chip resetter

Hi, Dana. I think I have killed the auto chip resetter on my new Light Cyan replacement cart. The LC replacement cart. arrived last week. The filling etc. all went well. But in the end my 3800 could not recognise it. So I tried to pull it out from the printer and reinsert. It did not come out at first so I used a little force and it eventually came out, but then the auto chip resetter (just the small L-shape green circuit board) became detached from cart and stuck to the contact pins inside the printer. I then carefully removed the circuit board from the printer, but could not reinsert the circuit board into the plastic chip holder properly. The thing doesn’t quite fit. So now I cannot reinsert the cart. into the printer.

Can I buy a new replacement LC auto chip resetter? I don’t need a new cart., just the auto chip resetter with the circuit board properly attached. Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Chris~

We have replacement 3800/3880 reset chips here: http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.362672/sc.18/category.28306/.f

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
best regards~ Dana :slight_smile: