How to Add an .icc Profile?

I have just installed Piezography Pro CE into a MacBook Pro running Catalina and am printing to an Epson Stylus Pro 3880. I would like to use some .icc profiles I downloaded from Moab and have dragged and dropped them into the Library/Colorsynch/Profiles folder. I restarted the computer, but the new profiles are not showing up as options when I go to print via PrintTool.

What is the procedure for adding new .icc profiles so that they are available to choose when I go to print?

Moab does not produce any ICC profiles for use with Piezography. Moab produces ICC profiles for color inks and color printing requiring use of the EPSON color printer driver.

Piezography does not have any color inks nor does it use the EPSON printer driver. Piezography is a system of monochromatic inks and requires a printer driver called QuadTone RIP. All of the media profiles we include are in the Community Edition including some from Moab. You should follow the instructions in the Piezography manual which is included in the CE download.

If you are interested in making your own Piezography profiles we sell a software called Piezography Professional Edition Toolkit v2.