Epson stylus pro 3800 error 1432

I just replaced the ink selector switch in my Epson 3800. It is now throwing an error 1432. Interesting thing is I hear air coming out right before it gives the error. I want to do an initial fill because I know there is air in the lines but it is giving the error before I can do it.

Is that the problem air or is there something else?

I think that you need get with a qualified independent EPSON repair person and discuss your issues and let them guide you to the replacement parts that you need (if available). You are already far beyond the experience of most users of these printers and it is commendable that you are investing so much energy and time into a printer that has been discontinued so many generations of its replacements ago. Hopefully the parts you are investing in are worth investing in terms of their authenticity and new condition. Good luck with this.

It must have been the air, as the error disappeared and the printer pass all power on diags. Whew!

Well I now have an Epson 3800 and a 3880 working. It took me a while, but it was well worth the trouble. The only parts I needed were dampers and black (MK/PK) switches… The parts cost me less than $50. A big thanks for the many people before me who documented their work and allowed me to follow in their footsteps.

I bought both printers for a combined total of $420. Both printers has less than 500 prints made on them. I’m printing with the 3880 ConeColors (vivid magenta) in the 3800 and in the process of getting new printer profiles made. The 3880 I will be using Piezography inks shortly.

Heroic!!! Amazing!

Weird timing.

My 3880 just a few minutes ago was doing a black switch (I didn’t realize was being sent it) and it got about to 100% done and then threw the 1432.

Power off and back on didn’t clear it.

Looks like I have to head back to Long Island. Not happy.

It’s not your head, but the timing of the switch. Have you done a switch recently, or do you only use one of the black inks?

I started a new thread, but to your question, I only use the MatteBk on Han. PhotoRag for most output. But Jon advised to switch the inks at least every few weeks, so I do, sometimes saving non-critical printing for the PhotoBk time.

And I noted the error being ‘timing’, which is why I had hoped that since it got to close to 100 switched, it would reset itself. But do Epsons ever self-heal a code? Yes, apparently. The next day (printer left on) the code went away.

I same error but it went away after a few power on power offs. Epsons do indeed to seem to self-heal. :wink: