I recently acquired an Epson 4900 for FREE. I’m trying to get it operating fully using the OEM inks before switching to Cone Color. Over the last two week I have gone from zero ink in every channel to all channels showing up on the nozzle check to now not having any ink in the Cyan channel.
I was working on getting the nozzles clear. I had used all the techniques from soaking the head with wet paper towels to power cleanings. The Cyan channel was working great but the cart was getting low so I put in a new Cyan OEM Cartridge. That is when the Cyan nozzle check went blank. I have tried power cleans, re-soaking the head using Piezo Flush, etc. The cart is using up the ink with the cleanings, but there is no ink when doing a nozzle check. I thought it might be air in the line, but I have ran the initial charge using the adjustment software, but still nothing. Anyone have any ideas what is going on and how to resolve.