When I print on my epson 4880 not all of the colors are printing. The colors are inconsistent, meaning if I do a test some of the colors print, then when I do another test different colors will print. When the colors print most of them do not print the whole square. I received an email from you asking these questions:
- How old is the printer?
- Has the capping station, wiper blade, flushing box and/or bottom of the print head been cleaned following our instructions? If so, about how often are these manual cleaning procedures done?
- Have any parts in the printer been replaced, such as the dampers, wiper blade, capping station, flushing box, etc…? If so, what parts were replaced, and how long ago?
- How often is the printer used vs. how long does it sit unused?
- How often are the ink cartridges agitated?
- When did he install the refillable carts into his printer? Were all carts installed at the same time, or one at a time as Epson carts emptied?
- Were cartridge exit channels primed with ink using the priming syringe, prior to installing carts into the printer?
- Has this been happening since carts were installed, or was there good ink flow at first, then this problem start recently? If the later, about when did this begin?
- When the printer is not in use, are the cartridge air vent holes sealed closed to prevent evaporation, and contaminants from getting inside?
- What are the humidity and temperature levels in the printing environment?
- Opening the printer cover, and examining the internal ink lines- are they all filled with ink, or are there any air bubbles inside?
- Are cleaning cycles done between nozzle checks that show different results mentioned below, or just nozzle checks done without cleaning cycles between?
My reply was;
1- about 4tys old
2- nothing has been cleaned
3- nothing except for cartridges have been replaced
4- used about once month
5- Not agitated
6- refillable carts installed about 1-1 1/2 month ago
7- no
8- I think every time I’ve used it.
9- yes
10- NYC
11- no bubbles
12- both
Can you help?