You see that bend in the VM? That is delayed fire of the nozzles. This is a clear indication of nozzles that have burned out or that have become de-laminated. In short, yes, this print-head needs to be replaced or the printer needs to be used for Piezography monochrome ink which only needs a minimum of 6 working channels.
Hi there
I am hoping someone can help me with my Epson 7890 printer. I have been having what looks like clogging issues (I know I know whats new right?) however when I contacted a technician I am told the print head needs replacing but I don’t think it is as bad as that as I am still getting lines on all inks except my magenta where there is a gap in the middle…
It is an old machine I have had for 7 years without problems…(looks like I’m one of the lucky ones) however I was not aware that dampers needed replacing after 3 years so I am hoping that by doing a flush and replacing the dampers I may be able to avoid the costly print head replacement?
Any help on this is greatly appreciated!