Creating ICC profile on Windows 11

Windows 11
Piezo Pro

I’m following the Piezography ICC Profiling Tutorial video. I have the .ti3 created. Copying the file to the
Piezography > Tools > doesn’t produce an ICC file. Not sure what I’m doing wrong???

I am sorry to have kept you waiting. I did not see your message come in.

The was made by my predecessor for OS X and I do not know why they included it in the Windows installation.

Dragging your data file on top of the “” only deposits that data file into that directory. It is actually the OS X App package contents. It doesn’t do anything on Windows.

I will suggest to Jon that he remove it from the next Windows release.

The OS X version of Piezography is much further along than Windows especially with the use of ICC profiles for printing. There is no mechanism in the Windows QTR to print with ICC profile as there is with the OS X version using PrintTool.

Rachel - TechSupport IJM

Thank you for the update Rachel.