Correct settings for .icc files

Just a few points that i would like to clear up so I understand the correct setting for the .icc files that you provide. I know that these setting are important for quality output, so I want to be certain before I start printing.

  1. In the Epson print dialog window

  2. The ink type is not listed — is all matte media printed with matte ink and gloss media glossy ink?’

  3. 16 bit is off

  4. Color mode is off - grayed out in my menu.

  5. Resolution is SuperPhoto 2880.

  6. High speed is on. Why is high speed on (other than it prints faster)?

  7. Finest detail is on. I’m curious about why this option is on — to have this on, should/must the image file be at 720 ppi resolution?

  8. Super microweave is not an option on my 3880.

  9. Print mode is AccuPhoto HD - mode is selected but grayed out in my menu.

  10. In photoshop

  11. In reference to #6 above, what resolution should be used for the file?

  12. Rendering is relative

  13. Black point on

  14. In Lightroom

    1. Should the print resolution be specified in print job dialog box?
