I have been running 1440 for a while using classic six shades set of selenium inks plus shade 1 black to produce negs for PT/Pd. My other printer is 7880 running cone color set and has been a real workhorse, very few issues. so. I always wanted to convert a used 7880 to run same set up on a larger scale. recently, I got used 7880 and fullset of Piezo inks, two blacks and selenium shades 2 to 6, plus gloss. Question is, how to best convert from OEM color to piezo without full set of flush cartridges?
Should I do ink dump, install new cartridges with inks and run them printing enlarged QTrip calibration file (to make sure all inks are used at the same time) to purge the system?
Of coarse, I will clean and wipe head from outside with flush solution?
Appreciate the thoughts.
also, Walker suggested installing matte black in “black” position and warm neutral black1 in "yellow position. But guess everyone knows that:)
Hi Sergey -
I would definitely flush it before installing new inks. Not worth the risk of gunking it up with incompatible inks. You have one set of refillable carts?
I’ve got a full set of refillable carts for a 4880 that was used only with piezoflush before my 4880 died. The label is actually checked 4800 though I know they work on the 4880. Maybe they work on 7880 too. Could chips be the only difference? Walker?
I was intending to use the same set of carts with K7 inks, but I didn’t get that far. Of course I would have cleaned them thoroughly first. Two sets of carts would be nice though.
If these happen to be compatible, and you are interested you can have them cheap. I was also going to install new dampers before installing the new inks, so I also have 10 new dampers that I know fit both machines. Those are available cheap too.
Everything but the m and lm work. But oem chips fit on these carts so if
there is lm and m oem chips than the flush carts will work.
My carts have 4880 chips on them which would be the same as the 7880 then, is that right?
Thank you for a sound advice!
I am definitely would be interested, but maybe some clarification from Walker - this set of carts will be compatible with my 7880 except for two carts i will need to purchase separately? I have unfinished set of color OEM carts installed now - can I transfer just the chips from them to flush carts?
Thank you,
Actually the 48 and 78 chips and carts are totally different.
uhh, so, i am out of luck using Keith’s set of carts on my 7880?
please confirm…
What if i will just perform ink dump, install new set of dampers, pre-filled with some flush liquid, and new set of piezo carts. would that help?
Thank you,
Don’t pre-fill dampers. Just let the printer fill the dampers.
But yeah, like a said above, the 4800/4880 cartridges are a totally different design and fit than the 9800/9880 cartridges. Also different chips.
quick question:
I know, it is a compromise, but can i fill a brand new set of empty ink carts with piezoflush, run through printer, empty them out, wash, dry and refill with piezo inks and use? I have a lot of ink, but little budget left for a whole new set of carts:(
thank you!
Gotta make sure the carts are TOTALLY clear of PiezoFlush. Use distilled water. Make sure to suck through the inkout with priming tip, etc.
Thank you!
how many ml of piezoflush should i put in an empty cart for one time printer fill and wash?
at least 110mL of PiezoFlush