Canson Rag Photographique K7 media profiles

Hi Dana,

Hopefully you have K7 media profiles for Canson Rag Photographique paper for selenium and carbon inksets for the R2880 and 3800 that you can email me. If you don’t I know that I can use either the Type 2 or HFA Photo Rag media profiles as being “close enough” (at least for now) until I elect to have a custom curve made. I also have the P2 media profile for these printers but want to look at a K7 configuration to “tease out” the highest highlights in my images.

thank you!

Hi Michael~

The R2880 and 3800/3880 printers are both K3 printer models, therefore they can use the same Piezography QTR curves as other K3 printer models, such as the R3000, 4800/4880, 7800/9800 and 7880/9880. I am in the process on posting additional Piezography K7 curves for use with QuadTone RIP, and will post the link as soon as I’m done.

Best regards and happy printing~ Dana :slight_smile:

Here you go: