Hi Dana
I’ve been running CC K3 inks in my 7880 for about a year now. Recently the M channel simply ceased printing, so ran several standard cleaning cycles, with no success. I got some M ink showing on some nozzles, occasionally (usually after the second cleaning cycle of a batch of five or so - I still have the prints if you want to see), but eventually, when I realised how much good ink was being used, I gave up and decided it was time to give the printer some TLC and replace the capping station, flushing box and dampers.
I ordered a set of carts and a gallon of PiezoFlush from you which arrived last week; yesterday I started the procedure with a flush first, so I don’t fill my new dampers with gunk, and I can report that although 7 of the 8 carts showed a drop in PF level of about 2cm, the level in the cart in the M channel dropped hardly at all (which was the result after all those cleaning cycles, too).
So, I’m thinking that the blockage is in the print head, or the damper - I guess I’ll find out as I continue to work. I dismantled the cover today, and found that the flushing box is really badly caked with dried ink; I’m surprised that the blockages in the head aren’t worse. Hopefully I’ll get a result after I’ve replaced all the parts, and done a head scrub if necessary.
All this is a preamble to a couple of questions:
The parts provider did not have a wiper in stock, and they’re quoting about a month until they do. Is it feasible to transfer the old wiper to the new flushing box assembly until I can replace it? I read in the Service Manual that I shouldn’t touch the wiper with bare hands, and I get that, but can I handle it with gloves on, so I can clean it with PF?
The Service Manual recommends that certain adjustments be made via the Adjustment Program after replacing parts - except it appears that the Program is only available for Windows, and I have a Mac. How critical are the adjustments? I get that some of them are counter resets for life expectancy of parts, but things like the Air Leak Check, which requires a special jig, I won’t be able to do. Do you do all of the recommended adjustments after repairs, or just some, or none?
As always, I appreciate your time. Thanks -