i recently removed all my ink cats to shake, and most are about 1/2 full, but now all read full except shade 5 which reads 1/2 full and that is accurate.
why did this happen?
i did not reset any ink cart chips.
any way to have my epson 4900 read the current ink levels accurately again?
It sounds like your chips automatically reset. It is not our understanding that the chips reset with out manually shorting the two contact points. Do you think they reset themselves or is there some possibility that the contacts may have been shorted in some inadvertent way?
the batteries only last about a year - they are ALWAYS in an on state. So I am saying that while we have not heard of the 4900 chips resetting themselves - it is possible with the battery dying it may have mis-programmed itself.
To remedy - change the battery to new, fill the cart, reset the chip. it should keep up.
If you visually monitor the cartridge ink levels, then the status monitor reading of the ink levels is not as important, but the chips do need batteries in place to be recognized by the printer, and to control reset.