The OR channel has never given me a complete pattern but the GR channel worked nicely - see image 1. With time on my hands I decided to piezoflush all the channels, clean the capping station and flushing box. Then both OR and GR did not show any patterns when printed with flush in the lines. Left the flush in for 48 hours and printed again - see image 2. Then I decided to add back the inks- image 3.
FYI - I purged both OR and GR carts for both Piezoflush and inks.
- Before Flushing
- After 4 flushes: 2 x flushes then left the piezoflush in for 48 hours and repeated with 2 more flushes. Cleaned capping station and flushing box. Clean head as per Dana video. Could not find the wiper.
- After replacing the flush with the inks
Any help would be appreciated.