3880 - weird code 1432 results

Yesterday I sent a print to my Piezo K7 3880 without realizing it would change Matte–>Photo ink. No big deal, I have to switch occasionally, Jon told me. At the end of the switch, the printer threw a Service Call 1432 - switch valve timeout.

As the switch process had seemed to complete before the code, I tried power off-back on, no luck. Code still there. Well, I’ve never seen an Epson ‘self-clear’ a code before. I left the printer on to be sure the head was parked and capped. This morning, printer says READY. Really?

Running a nozzlecheck, it worked, but the black channel had almost no ink print. Head clean, better, but still awful Pk, missing, deflected. I decided to tempt fate and switch back to Matte Bk. It worked.

Again, poor nozzlechecks, but after a few cleanings, a perfect nozzlecheck and ran some prints, all normal.

Two questions:

  1. Should I switch back to the PhotoBk line to resolve the nozzlechecks, be sure there isn’t air in that line?

  2. Is this episode just a warning that my Black switch mechanism is at a fail state, and I should schedule the replacement soon?