2880 carts not recognized

I have two epson 2880’s and they don’t recognize the refillable carts. I did not fill them, just put them in to see if they would read as full. Do they have to be filled to work? I followed the trouble shooting procedure and it did not work.

The carts do not need to contain ink for your printer to read them- the chips on new carts already read full, and the only way the printer knows the cartridge ink levels is by reading the cartridge chips. Did the cartridges snap firmly into place for a good connection with the cartridge chip and printer’s chip sensor? Did you make sure to put the correct position cart into it’s appropriate slot in the printer’s cartridge carriage? Did you install the full set of refill carts? Are the carts marked “R2880”? What are the numbers on the cartridge chips?

The carts and chips are marked 0961-9, like original epsons. they are all tight and in the right place, but all are not recognized.

This is very strange! What carts did you have installed in your R2880 printers prior to installing the set of empty refill carts? Are red lights illuminated above all 8 carts in the cartridge chamber? If you reinstall the previous carts you were using, do the lights go out and printer accepts those carts? Have you been using Matte or Photo Black? Which black refill cart did you install?

Please let me know so I can figure out why/how this is happening, and how to resolve it to get you back to happily printing.
Best regards~ Dana

epson service says I ruined my printhead by using peizoflush, that is why the printer does not work. I just tried injecting water into the print head using the peizoflush kit and bubbles came out of other ink spikes. Is this normal or is epson right?

PiezoFlush will not damage your print head if used correctly, but if you didn’t follow our instructions properly, used excessive pressure when injecting PiezoFlush thru the print head, and/or had a lot of liquid in the cartridge chamber of the print head, this could have possibly caused damage, or the print head electrical cable to get wet.
Were you using Epson carts prior to installing the refill carts? Did you flush your print head with our PiezoFlush print head cleaning kit after removing Epson carts and before installing the refill carts?
When you just injected water into the print head and bubbles came out the other spikes- was the print head over the capping station, over a folded paper towel, in the ink change position without a paper towel underneath, etc?

Let me know~ Dana

I followed all instructions.

Without being at your printer, I can not diagnose what’s going on with it via email, so told you what I know that could have caused either electrical or seal issues.
Please answer my questions, because I am unsure exactly what you have done, and need details of your situation in order to quickly and accurately trouble shoot your issue to get you back to happily printing.

Thanks~ Dana :slight_smile:

My printers are ruined, there is nothing that can be done.

Without any information, I can not know what has happened and therefore can not help…

I used paper towels under the head, if the cables were wet they would have dried because I tried using the printer several times for over a week. I did not use too much pressure because I only had a few nozzels clogged, is there anything I can do about the head problem?

Thanks of the additional information.

Were you using Epson carts prior to installing the refill carts?
If you reinstall the previous carts you were using, how does your printer(s) respond?
Did you flush your print head with our PiezoFlush print head cleaning kit before or after installing the refill carts?
Did you use the print head cleaning kit on both printers?
Are red lights illuminated above all 8 carts in the cartridge chamber?

Based on your order history, I see you bought the print head cleaning kit in Feb 2013, then a 110ml bottle of PiezoFlush in Nov, and a set of carts without ink or filling needles earlier this month. Have you used the print head cleaning kit over the past year with success, or did you just use it for the first time recently? How did you plan to use the carts without ink or filling syringes? Were you planning on filling them with PiezoFlush to use as cleaning or storage carts?

I can send you a set of replacement carts, but the answers you provide to my questions above will help me determine the cause, and therefore solution, to your problem.

Thanks~ Dana

I used epson, then inkowl carts, they both worked. after I flushed both printers, they stopped recognizing carts, all red lights are on. I would rather try carts for my r2400 to see if it still works, which is what I was going to do next before this happened.

If your printers were both working fine, then you flushed them using our print head cleaning kit before installing our refillable carts, and now neither will accept any carts, then I can’t help but suspect something wasn’t done correctly, and possibly excessive liquid got the print head electrical cable wet, and that is causing your troubles. We’ve been selling and using this print head cleaning kit with many printer models for several years with excellent results, though a few people have accidentally flooded their print heads due to not having a tight connection between the cleaning cart and print head point, which caused what you are experiencing. I remember two of these people reported they removed the print head from the printer (3 screws), carefully dried the print head cable and plug in areas, reinstalled the print head, and their printers worked well again.