Platinum/Palladium Printing

This is very strange… I know we have already verified all channels are both printing and are in the correct order earlier when you posted the printed Ink Separation image, we also verified you’re using the latest QTR Print Tool version 1.1.0 and QuadTone RIP version 2.7.5. Do you print a nozzle check to make sure all channels are printing before you start printing tests?

Based on the curve structure, it doesn’t make sense that you aren’t getting anything from 0 to 25 or 35%, as the highlights start at 0% with a jump of density, and shade 4.5 starts printing around 20% (as shown below)…

Because I am still working to find a scale-able process, I will start by running a quick nozzle check, then print the negative I plan to print with PT/PD. Just to be clear, the negative looks great, and I believe all inks are printing properly, I am simply not getting the values on the wet print. This is the part that baffles me really… By all accounts documented, this is a turnkey system.


Ok, if the negatives are printing correctly with the full range, but your prints aren’t coming out correctly, then it must be something with your chemicals or exposure (?) Sorry, I can’t help on that end since I don’t have the PT/PD experience (but, I will soon hopefully!!).

Well thank you Dana, and Jarvman for all your help. I am not exactly sure that this is a chemistry issue just yet. I was able to make decent PT/PD prints using the OEM K3 ink set and a strong adjustment curve. At this point, I think I just need to adjust the starting curve just a little more to fit my original files. I tend to process my images with strong shadow and highlights, so it may just be that I am pushing beyond the limits of the chemistry. Just seems odd, I always thought PT/PD high a giant dynamic range. I guess a part of me has always had doubt about the output of this 3880… I always felt it printed on the darker side. Evil 3880!

Side note… I shouldn’t need an adjustment curve for silver gelatin prints, right?

You are very welcome, I’m here to help (and thank you Jarvman for pitching in)!!

Yes, your contrasty images may need additional flattening adjustments to work well for PT/PD, but the 21 step strip I sent should produce accurate output after applying the Platinum starting curve I sent…

To print silver, all you need to do is invert and flip the image horizontal, then print with the appropriate PZDN curve.

Best regards~ Dana :slight_smile: